Auzzie.Biz Domain Services

Domain Names, Web Hosting, Web Site Design


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AUZZIE.BIZ Domain Products Pricing

DomainPrice $AU $69 / 2 years $49 / 2 years $39 / 2 years $39 / 2 years
.com .net .org .biz .info $24.95 / 1 year $44 / 1 year

Third Level DomainPrice is available if taking the AUZZIE.BIZ Ecomony Web Hosting package. FREE

Added ServicesPrice
Domain Parking FREE
URL Forwarding FREE
DNS Hosting FREE


Take the next step in growing your business. Join the millions of businesses that have found success on a .com.
.com means business. .com is the standard for doing business online. Give your business the recognition that comes along with a .com to help connect with new customers and partners.
.com means credibility. Your name says a lot about your business so why associate it with a less credible domain? Customers know .com, and that’s why every Fortune 500 company and the world’s 100 fastest-growing companies have a .com. Align yourself with the domain more businesses rely on to grow online.
.com means confidence. Every business can benefit from an online identity customers know and trust. Thanks to over 15 years of reliability, security and availability, .com enables you and your customers to confidently connect online.

.com, powered by Verisign, the global online standard.

What is a domain name?

A domain name is basically an alpha-numeric name or address used to identify a computer. Think of it as a phone number - except words instead of numbers. The most common reason for registering a domain name is if you want to build a website - but is also required if you want to set up mail, ftp, or any other service where you need a unique address corresponding to your brand name.
Domain types available from Auzzie.Biz: .com .net .org .biz .info

Domain Availability Lookup

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All prices shown in Australian Dollars (AU$) include 10% GST.
* International Customers do not pay GST and this amount will be deducted from the total amount when you place your order.
To calculate the amount of GST divide the amount by 11.
At present we accept both AU$ and US$.


Sydney Blues & Roots Festival
Fiona Joy Hawkins
Blue Mountains Records
Lithgow Tourism Information

Domain Search

Price for 2 years
AU DomainsAU$,$69$49$39
Price 1 year
gTLD DomainsAU$
.com .net .org .biz .info$24.95$44

Prices are subject to change
without notice

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Domain Name Registration

Domain Name Registration
Domain types available from Auzzie.Biz: .com .net .org .biz


Web Hosting

Web Hosting
Our servers are located in Sydney, Australia and Dallas, Texas and Richmond, Viginia, USA.



Web Design

Web Design
Each website is custom designed to your specifications: e-Commerce and Business Packages Available.